Friday morning, I woke up to put on a pink shirt with the name of the preschool I teach at on it. I put my hair in two high buns and twisted yellow pipe cleaner flowers on each of them. I frosted the 100+ sugar cookies I had made for the kids and prepped for the fun Easter party all the teachers at the school had planned. We painted eggs and cracked hallow eggs with confetti in them on each other, and all the other traditions that go all with Easter; minus the reason for the season itself, Jesus Christ. The party was so much fun and the kids loved it, and there was nothing cuter than seeing all them dressed up as little bunnies but it was strange to exclude the savior from it all. Nevertheless, I continue to find him daily here in China and the Easter weekend was no exception.
After our party with the kids, my group and I headed for Fenghaung via the worlds sketchiest bus. Fenghaung is an ancient city that dates back to the Qing dynasty and looks just as it did 300 years ago. It is home to a minority group in China called the Miao people. It took us just about 3 hours to walk around the small city, but it was filled with lots of adventure. In just a day and a half we stayed in our first hostel, saw live bands perform, received fish pedicures (aka little tiny fish that flock to your feet and suck off all your dead skin for dinner), found tons of ancient souvenirs, saw the cutest (and very talented) old people doing tai chi, tried the most delicious and unique food (including homemade honey rose yoghurt and ancient candy), learned how to bargain like a native, made a bunch of Asian men think that the word when you take a picture in English is Courntey (a girl in our group), took a boat ride through the river, and got to dress up in the traditional wear of the Miao people.
With all the fun and chaos, we didn’t return back to our hostel until late Saturday night. By the time I had shuffled up the many ancient stairs to our room, I had just about forgotten that the next day was Easter Sunday and the first session of general conference. Due to the recent passing of the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, this conference, members of the church throughout the world would have the opportunity to sustain the new prophet, President Russel M. Nelson. Because of the time difference, conference would be airing at Midnight in China. Me and the girls in our group set an alarm to get up at 11:45 so we could live stream conference just long enough to participate in what is called the solemn assembly. At midnight we all sat up in our bunks in the pitch black and listened intensely to see if we could actually connect to the limited internet, which proved unsuccessful for the first 10 minuets. After many silent prayers and a strong desire in my heart, we finally were able to tune in just in time to raise our hands and sustain President Nelson and the two new apostles. My heart filled with love and my eyes filled with tears and a gentle smile seemed to beam through my whole body. There was a sweet and sacred spirit that filled the room as 7 American girls were able to manifest their testimony of God's living prophet on the earth in a dark room at midnight all the way across the world. I lied my head back down as a hymn played in the background and dozed back to sleep.
I awoke with the same feeling of love and peace. I talked with my family and then my group had a mini Easter lesson together. We watched a few Easter videos and read the story in Matthew 26 and 27 of the suffering in gethsemane, crucifixion, and resurrection of the savior. I felt so blessed to be able to hear the testimonies of those in my group as well as bear mine. I want to testify that the savior is a friend to all. His love is infinite and reaches from those who love and serve him, to those who despise and hate him, and to those who do not even know him. He takes our sins and our broken hearts and heals us and makes us whole. Because of the savior I not only have a best friend beside me daily, but I have a chance to try over, and over, and over again. I love my savior while my whole heart, and although I often find myself asleep like the 12 apostles when Christ asked them to watch with him just one hour (Matthew 26: 40), I know that his love for me never changes and he never leaves me. I know that through Him miracles happen every day, the biggest being that He Lives.
Sweet Pheobe |
New Princess of Fenghaung |
Actually obsessed with this |
Dragon whisker candy |
No idea what this fruit is but it has the flavor of a banana but is more acidic like a lemon and has the texture of a grape. |
This had real rose petals in it... |
I tried to get a picture with the wrap off, but they were devoured. Not by this kids. By the teachers. |
All of us LOVE Hardy! |
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